Vynndy Yen Gan

Perth, WA, Australia
What is the purpose of my life? Who am I? I have a desire for making my life with all my dreams. I would like my blog to be a great medium to witness the summary of my life. I believe this is also a great opportunity to make memories last with no sign of stopping. My beliefs are modified with age. I may not have the same beliefs as you, but you possibly will find that we have some beliefs in common. Also, I am a very straightforward girl. I love people treat me in the same way. Please don’t keep anything in your heart, just say what you like to say.

Potluck Parties with Buddies, Perth, WA.

What is Potluck?
I learned this word only when I’ve been arriving Perth about 3 months. My housemate told me that A “Potluck” or “the Luck of the Pot” is a gathering where every participant will bring a dish of food for sharing. We organise Potluck party occasionally. It can be held either during semester breaks, drinking or birthday parties or for celebrating Easter or Christmas.
Potluck party during semester breaks.


Potluck party during CNY 2011.


Potluck party durign Xmas 2010