Vynndy Yen Gan

Perth, WA, Australia
What is the purpose of my life? Who am I? I have a desire for making my life with all my dreams. I would like my blog to be a great medium to witness the summary of my life. I believe this is also a great opportunity to make memories last with no sign of stopping. My beliefs are modified with age. I may not have the same beliefs as you, but you possibly will find that we have some beliefs in common. Also, I am a very straightforward girl. I love people treat me in the same way. Please don’t keep anything in your heart, just say what you like to say.

Working at Internal Audit, Curtin University, Perth, WA.

This is one of the buildings of Curtin University, named Chancellory Building. I am working at level 4, Internal Audit. I like the working environment there.

I attended the Curtin Induction Program at the first month of being an Assistant Auditor. It was awesome as a large group of new staff attended the induction including General and Academic Staff. I met many new colleagues from various departments across the University. It was fun especially during the ice-breaking session. We had to ask many silly questions with each other that we did not know so as to gain prizes. Eventually, we knew each other.

Lunch was provided on that day. Also, lots of facilities were introduced to staff during lunch time such as fitness, loan and insurance services and many training courses were made available to Curtin staff.




When I was taking part of Fixed Asset Audit, I met two senior Audit and Finance consultants from PWC. They were smart and friendly. We were in a team for audit tests.
I took photos with them on our last day. They were Niamh and Lauren. It was enjoyable to work with them, especially Niamh (the girl in red), thanks for your patience and giving me valuable advices until I came up with my findings.