Vynndy Yen Gan

Perth, WA, Australia
What is the purpose of my life? Who am I? I have a desire for making my life with all my dreams. I would like my blog to be a great medium to witness the summary of my life. I believe this is also a great opportunity to make memories last with no sign of stopping. My beliefs are modified with age. I may not have the same beliefs as you, but you possibly will find that we have some beliefs in common. Also, I am a very straightforward girl. I love people treat me in the same way. Please don’t keep anything in your heart, just say what you like to say.

Teaching at Kumon Education Centre, Innaloo, Perth, WA.

Kumon Education Centre
 Have you heard about Kumon before? It is famous in Australia and it is the world’s largest after-school math and reading enrichment program. It allows students of all ages and abilities to build the essential skills, to enrich student educational experience. 
These are the exercises that students have to do during class. I have to mark all the papers, record marks and distribute them back to students. It was enjoyable working at Kumon. All students do their work independently, even some are below 5 years old. 

He is Aeron, who is a 7 year-old boy. He is smart and hardworking. He comes to Kumon together with his younger brother, a little curly boy (less than 5 year-old i guess). He is serious on his study and I like to mark his work. 
I am working as a Study Assistant at Kumon. The main duties are to reinforce and clarify concepts or skills to students. Moreover, a high level of supervision is needed to ensure students are on the right track. At the beginning of the class, I have to organize students and support the general running of the centre.